Tag: Week 6

Fantasy Football

FF Week 6 Recap

Rock Crushers Liberty City Outlaws 136.67 PTS (3-3) 90.52 PTS (1-5)  Weekly Grade   Weekly Grade Rock Crushers Tramples Liberty City Outlaws, Moves to Third Place Rock Crushers registered the second-highest score of the week and dismantled Liberty City Outlaws 136.67 to 90.52. It takes a true veteran to maintain focus throughout a season. Rock […]

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Fantasy Football

FF Week 6 Recap

Millennium Falcons Forte Shades of Jay 164.71 PTS (2-4) 66.99 PTS (1-5) Weekly Grade   Weekly Grade Millennium Falcons put up the highest point total this season and mercilessly danced on the burned-out remains of Forte Shades of Jay 164.71 to 66.99. This is the kind of victory the grandchildren will hear about. The 97.72-point […]

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